What to do when your mentor ‘miss-treats’ you?

My guide is a big FLIRT! There is no decent way to put it, but he is a complete pervert, scanning me from head to toe every time I seek his guidance!

I am doing my master’s in MBA and I am currently in first year. The problem is that the old bloke is way over his head! In the starting, he was overly-sweet and all smiley, which was awkward but I thought he’s just more friendly. But then he started getting too involved in my personal life and talking about other stuff, like my hobbies and boyfriends and shit like that. He calls me three times a week to have a meeting, alone in his cabin. I am a shy and awkward girl and don’t really say anything and I guess he took it as a positive sign. It got too much and so I simply went to the administration and complained about him, without confronting him.

It backfired! Turns out that the pervert had friends in the management that this thing was just lost between them. Now, not only he mistreats me but keeps on poking me for corrections in my work. I haven’t even decided my research methods yet as he won’t approve on it! He talks rudely, calls me daily to work in the lab, keeps rejecting my work and literally pressurizes me about my research. I can’t go to police as he’s not really molesting. I can’t complain to administration and I can’t even apply for another guide. I am stuck with him! He got my marks and I have put so much money into this course! Should I quit? What do I do?

Posted in: Mentoring